8 Organizational Tricks

Health & Fitness

Nothing in life gives me more pleasure than throwing things out. Be it clothes, appliances or things off my phone. (Okay I admit that I

Motion Sickness Prevention

Health & Fitness

Motion sickness is something that each one of has experienced at least once in our lives. Be it on a plane, a rocking boat or even a ca...

Yoga at Home Week 37

Health & Fitness

Garudasana comes from the name Garuda, though often translated as

Yoga at Home Week 36

Health & Fitness

So finally after several weeks of preparation we are ready to attempt Crow posture, this is a basic arm balance and hopefully our

Yoga at Home Week 35

Health & Fitness

The vinyasa or flow that I want to teach you today is an integral part of Sun Salutation as practiced in Ashtanga and Vinyasa flow

Yoga at Home Week 34

Health & Fitness

Chaturanga is a challenging posture, although not technically difficult, it can seem almost impossible when you first start practicing ...

Yoga at Home Week 33

Health & Fitness

This is a great chest opener and back bend, and a fantastic way to strengthen the arms. It is also an intrinsic part of the short flow

Yoga at Home Week 32

Health & Fitness

This is a great posture to develop the core and if you do the variation I explain today, you will also create strength in your upper ar...

Yoga at Home Week 31

Health & Fitness

Now we have done some work on opening our hips in Malasana , for our preparation for Crow, we need to take a look at our core


Health & Fitness

Such are some of the most common excuses some overweight people give when asked why they can’t commit to a healthy lifestyle. Eating ...

Yoga at Home Week 30

Health & Fitness

Garland pose is a deep squat and is a fantastic hip opener and very much worth practicing if you need to release this area of your

Community Yoga Classes

Health & Fitness

The OM Space Yoga Studio believes that practicing yoga should be something that everyone has the opportunity to explore

Yoga at Home Week 29

Health & Fitness

Bow posture is a reasonably strong back bend and works to open up the entire front of the body including the shoulders and the

Yoga at Home Week 28

Health & Fitness

Warrior III is a strong balancing pose. It is a dynamic standing posture which creates stability throughout your entire body by integra...

Yoga at Home Week 27

Health & Fitness

We are going to work on opening our hips today and bringing a lot more flexibility into our pelvic area and therefore into our over-all...

Yoga at Home Week 26

Health & Fitness

Our posture for today is a slightly more advanced twist for the body. As we have seen before, twisting postures are great for removing ...

Yoga at Home Week 25

Health & Fitness

Today’s posture is a great standing pose, to develop strength. Utkata means powerful or fierce in Sanskrit and the way this pose work...

Yoga at Home Week 23

Health & Fitness

Today the intention of our practice is to develop strength in our core to keep us stable in any other yoga practice we undertake.

Yoga at Home Week 22

Health & Fitness

Today our flow will focus on seated postures and twists. Twisting in yoga is known for its detoxifying effects on the body. We also nee...

Yoga at Home Week 21

Health & Fitness

This week we are going to take a look at a short standing sequence, using postures that should all be familiar to you. Standing practic...

Yoga at Home Week 20

Health & Fitness

This week sees the first of our new flows or Vinyasas. We are going to begin to put together some of the postures we have learned over ...

Treating Your Hair Right

Health & Fitness

Perming, re-bonding, relaxing and ironing are some favourite words in the vocabulary of many young boys and girls. Although it is said ...

Yoga at Home Week 19

Health & Fitness

We are looking at Boat Posture today to help us to develop some core strength and balance in the body. This will be our last individual

Skin Care for Men

Health & Fitness

Skin care? That thing women do everyday?, you wonder. You shave, and that’s about all the skin care regimens you need in your life.

5 Ways To Clean Hairbrushes

Health & Fitness

When’s the last time you cleaned your hairbrush? Like really cleaned it? If your guilty expressions are anything to go by, here’s w...

Yoga at Home Week 18

Health & Fitness

Today we are building on last week’s gentle spinal twist into a much stronger twist for the spine and back muscles. Seated twists, he...

Yoga at Home Week 17

Health & Fitness

We are going to take it back down on to our mats this week using a lovely forward bend with a slight spinal twist as a counterpose for ...

Yoga at Home Week 16

Health & Fitness

Natarajasana or Lord of the Dance pose holds a symbolic meaning in yoga. Nataraja is another name for Shiva and his dance symbolizes

Yoga at Home Week 15

Health & Fitness

Triangle pose is one of the key standing postures in many