Beating Holiday Blues

Apr 27 2016.

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10 Ways To Beat The Holiday Blues! 

It's almost May already and I know exactly how you feel. Christmas feels like it happened just a week ago followed by Valentine’s Day and of course Avurudu feels like it was yesterday; and now until December there is no more excitement and fun. Your life is back to normal and the reality takes over... 

The good news is it doesn’t have to be that bad! You don’t have to be on vacation or celebrating a big event to have a good time, your everyday can be fun too! Try out these 10 ways to beat the holiday blues. 

1. Unpack 

This has to/must be the first thing to do on the list. It just has to be. Unpack immediately. There's nothing more depressing than tripping over suitcases for the next fortnight. And then you will be done with the most depressing part. Also you will have clean your clothes and underwear again. 

2. Make Something. It Can Be Anything! 

This is personally my favourite thing to do. I immediately busy myself with some big project. This year I was planning for weeks to make some ginger wine to have at Christmas. I finally went out and got the ingredients. Now all I have to do is get to it and I plan to do it during the weekend. It doesn’t have to be food, as you can even take on an art project! 

3. Get Together With Family And Friends 

You don’t have to wait until it's Avurudu or Christmas to meet up with your cousins, make plans to have a simple to get together or a fun retreat. Or just make plans to go out with your friends. There are loads of fun things to do. And if you just don’t feel like going out you can plan for a game night right at home! 

4. Find DIY Alternatives And Do Them! 

Make your immediate surroundings as beautiful and comforting as you can. Who cares if you can’t afford the ornaments you see in fancy magazines or in expensive stores! Make your own ornaments. At the end of the day you’ll probably appreciate these ornaments even more than store-bought ones, since you made them yourself. And maybe you can get a head start on making your Christmas decorations. 

5. Declutter 

This is something I love to do. I love throwing out things. Also you need to find space for the souvenirs you collected over your vacation. Life seems delightfully simple when your possessions fit into one suitcase. Resolve to reorganize your surroundings. It's not about getting rid of everything, but clearing the space for what's important to you. Trust me it can be therapeutic. 

6. Redecorate 

If you're not decorating for the holidays, use your creative energy and extra time off to fix up your place. It doesn’t have to be any expensive changes. It can be something as simple as repainting a bedroom wall or making new pillow cases. 

7. Eat Healthy And Exercise 

During the holidays you probably ate too many sugary and oily stuff, so get back to eating healthier and working out. Making healthy meals can be an adventure of its own. You can learn and experiment new recipes and find out what you prefer. And working out doesn’t mean you have to go to gym; you can take long walks, or go on bike rides with friends and maybe even hike. They are much more fun and will make your daily life much more exciting! 

8. Be Selfish 

Family holidays usually involve group activities chosen by majority vote, so reclaim a bit of selfish relaxation. 'Do something you've secretly missed.' Whatever it is – playing the piano, read a book, going to a yoga class or just listening to music in the bathroom. Relish the solitude. Taking some time for yourself to do something you love is very important. 

9. Volunteer 

Get involved in something that you are passionate about. It can be anything from volunteering to finding homes for stray animals to helping out kids with their studies. Countless organizations are always looking for volunteers. This will also help you to grow as a person. 

10. Get Excited About The Year Ahead : Make Plans! 

To be honest this is exactly what I do even before my holiday is over. To be completely honest I begin planning for my next holiday! The rest of the year comes after. But making plans certainly does help. This way you can keep on track with your goals and hopefully even achieve a new year resolution or two! 

By Jithendri Gomes


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