Trudi Malalgoda Amadoru

Oct 21 2013.

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Tucked away in corner store on ward place, Mini Mago Inc. is a miniature lovers dream! Miniature replicas of everything from food parcels, domestic devices and books to a doll house meticulously detailed right down to the light fixtures, all grace the shelves of the shop.

The miniaturist profession is quite uncommon in Sri Lanka and meeting one of these artisans is a rare treat. The proprietor, Trudi Malalgoda Amadoru is a former fashion designer who has found her true creative outlet through miniature making and crafting.


Tell me a bit about yourself? Do elaborate.

A question most people ask me is did I live abroad to be doing something such as this, so for those who are still wondering, no, I've lived here all my life. Even as a kid I would spend hours on end making things than not.

It was a huge part of me when growing up and doing so with my grandmother who in her own right is a very creative person, helped in a lot of ways. 


When did you start making miniatures and do you have any formal training in the field?

When I find things I've made as a child or things I have collected, it's now very apparent that I've always been in to miniatures even though I had no idea what it was called. Making and collecting little things seemed to have been in me right from the start.

My background as a fashion designer became useful too when it was time to switch trades. Colour coordinating, embroidery making, beading, jewelry making were a few things that come in handy when mini making or "minifering" as my friends and I call it! I also have my own little miniature 'how to book' library which is very useful and keeps multiplying. 



What do you use to make the miniatures? 

It depends on what you're making. If it's drapes, carpets, clothing etc you would obviously use fabric. If it is food items or accessories you could use a type of polymer clay. In fact, clay can be used for most of the miniature items; however it is a very expensive material to use.


How do you decide what miniatures to make? Do you take custom orders?

The time of the year comes in handy. One of my favourite would be New Year celebrations or Avurudu. Hence I tried my hand in making almost all the sweet treats made during the celebrations and they sold like hot cakes or sweets in this case. 

Apart from dollhouse miniatures I make fridge magnets as well, so those who do not collect dollhouse miniature still can own my work and place orders for whatever they fancy.




I do take custom orders and it allows me to integrate my other skills, such as interior designing and my very limited yet helpful skill of being a carpenter. Custom made orders are by far my most favourite.

Which turn out to be something very personal and very thoughtful gifts given by loved ones. The best thing about being your own boss is unless you're working on a custom order I can decide what I make whenever, it really doesn't have to be annoyingly constrictive or repetitive. Which in turn helps to create better miniatures, because of the sense of freedom without the unnecessary pressure.





What are some of your favourite pieces?

As I mentioned earlier, custom orders take first place. Also making room boxes. It's a treat to replicate a room in miniature form and make all the accessories to go with it.

If I ever had to pick any one of the room boxes as my favourite, it would be impossible because each one is different to the next and what goes in to each differs as well. So it's easier to create minis than to pick a favourite.  



How is business for you? Is there a big market for miniatures?

Usually my sales peak during Christmas time. But since of late, my custom orders have taken off. The number of people who can afford a custom made gift as well as value original handmade products have increased and they patronize my store. 



Do you have any hobbies, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

This used to be my hobby. So it doesn't feel like work; instead it feels like I am getting paid to do what I love. Which is wonderful and those who buy my work get something which I made with joy not something mass produced. 

Apart from mini making I enjoy photography, gardening and shopping for craft supplies! 


So hobby- check! 

Enjoyment- check! 

Free Time - well spent! 


Plans for the future?

If I have learnt anything over the years, it is not to make too many plans or tell everyone what you're going to do. Keeps everyone guessing and when you finally do something it could possibly be a surprise to all! 





By Lake Argent

Pics by Kushan Pathirana



  1. Rehana says:

    In this day and age, when many can barely afford to pay their rents, I cannot imagine anyone wanting to patronise collections of room boxes. The so-called patrons should get themselves a reality check, and build a real room box for the displaced and the poverty-stricken during Christmas.

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