Yoga at Home Week 6

Aug 07 2015.

views 526


We are looking at a strong back bend this week, Cobra posture. This will stretch and strengthen the spine and the muscles of the back and in-turn open the chest. It is also known as a wonderful heart opener, helping us to connect with others and allowing us to be more open. Back bending postures are known to help sufferers of anxiety and depression, by literally ‘lifting up the heart’ and making us more confident.

Come to lying on your tummy, spread your hands under your shoulders. Legs straight out behind with the toes pointed and the muscles activated. Forehead in on the floor.

Inhale and use the arms to raise the chest off the floor. Hips must stay in contact with the mat. Press the tail bone forward and tilt the pelvis up towards the belly button.

Draw the shoulder blades down the back, lift the top of the ribcage but avoid jutting the front ribs forward – this will harden the lower back which we don’t want.

Try to make the back bend happen along the length of the spine, not just in the lower back and image the front of the body becoming longer at the same time.

Hold for 5 breaths.
Lower back to the floor with an exhalation.
Repeat twice.

This posture can be performed with the hands raised off the floor to strengthen the appropriate back muscles, to do the full posture. Even if you can do the full posture with ease, it is worth practicing the back strengthening version for use in other practices.

Come to lying on your tummy, spread your hands under your shoulders. Legs straight out behind with the toes pointed and the muscles activated. Forehead in on the floor.

This time on the inhale raise the head, shoulders and chest as high as your back muscles will allow.

Hold for 3 breaths.
Lower back to the floor with an exhalation.
Repeat 5 times.

Posture - Cobra       
Sanskrit name - Bhujangasana


*Strengthens the spine.
*Stretches the chest and lungs, shoulders and abdomen.
* Stimulates the abdominal organs.
*Soothes sciatica.
*Good for astma.
*Relieves stress and fatigue.

Avoid if: You have back injuries, Carpal tunnel syndrome, headache or you are pregnant.

Beginners Tip: Practice with the forearms on the floor so the back bend is not so pronounced.

Beginners Tip

Add this heart opener to your practice, to lift the spirits and strengthen the back and arms. Happy practicing!

Serena is a yoga teacher and the founder of The OM Space . She is a passionate believer in yoga as a life enhancing practice and runs several classes in Colombo including the very popular Yoga for Children and Yoga for Pregnancy. Serena trained in the UK with the British Wheel of Yoga and is a UK Yoga Alliance registered Senior Teacher.



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